Let Us Serve You: Our programs start at $750/mo including craigslist ads, setup, support, call tracking and management fee. We are able to meet custom challenges and can work with your budget.
Call us and we'll show you what we've done for other dealers.
Contact:Ben Eason
ben at thenetworkedplanet.com
(813) 956-4198
Craiglist for Auto Dealers
Posting of dealer’s used car inventory on Craigslist is a great source of leads. Craigslist is one of the top three marketplaces that consumers search for used cars. Our service streamlines the Craigslist posting by using the dealer’s used-car inventory feed file, which is refreshed each day. Our software updates those ads with any changes to the inventory listing, such as different price, picture or description. Craigslist has strict terms of use and we abide by them.
- Results are typically 20-30 phone calls per month for a used-car inventory level of 150.
- We monitor results via call tracking and our dashboard of call volume is provided to the dealer.
- Craigslist began charging for ads in Dec. 2013 and this - combined with a better search feature to accommodate the rise in mobile user visits - has significantly improved lead volume. You no longer need to continually re-post the ads to see solid results.
- Craigslist cost: $5 per ad posted, including re-posts of the same ad. There is not a charge to change the ad, but the posting date does not change. The ads stay up on Craigslist for a maximum 30 days.
- A monthly budget of $750 to provide coverage for a dealer lot of 100 used cars is recommended.